I'm an old documentary hound who has moved to Gyfyng to try and practice what I preach on sustainability.

I've tried to put together a small and peaceful retreat where you can let nature reconstitute your weary soul and replenish your energy.

The Names of our pitches
Each of our two pitches is named after indigenous Brazilians I met making one of my most recent films about "The Guardians of the Forest" a network of Amazonian tribes who have come together to protect the rainforest. As one of those friends was killed shortly after we filmed with him and his patrol, this seemed a good way to honour the sacrifices they make and Paulo made as they try to protect "The lungs of the world".

paulo Paulinho Guajajara

Olimpio Gujajara
Thanks to ALL my friends who helped get the campsite ready!

I hope you will come and enjoy the beautiful and peaceful surrounds at Gyfyng

I don' think it's possible to find a more perfect camping spot.
Hywel - Cardiff

The cookhouses are amazing!
Victoria - Watford

Max has gone to great lengths to make the site as environmentally friendly as you could hope for.
Rebecca - Cardiff